Total time 50 mins | Serves 4 | Mild

Vegetable Korma


  • Measuring spoons, jug and scales

  • Vegetable dicer (preferable)

  • Knives, Small receptacles for prep

  • Cutting board

  • Medium/large pan


  • 1 Cinnamon Road Chicken Korma spice mix

  • 2 tbsp canola oil

  • ½ medium onion diced

  • 2 tsp garlic minced

  • 2 tsp ginger minced

  • 180ml warm stock (or water)

  • 1 tbsp tomato paste

  • 180ml coconut milk

  • 1 medium potato (1.5cm cubes)

  • 1 carrot thinly sliced

  • 1 cup cauliflower broken florets

  • 12 green beans halved

  • 1 small red capsicum sliced. OR use vegetables and plant-based substitutes as you choose


  1. SEAR: Heat 2 tbsp oil in a med/large pan set to a medium heat. Add the onions and fry for 3-4mins until the first signs of the onion browning. Add the ginger & garlic, stirring for 30secs.

  2. SPICE & NUTS: Empty in spice Pack 1, again stirring for 30secs. Then splash in a little water and empty in Pack 2, stirring for another 30secs.

  3. SAUCE: Stir in the stock (or water), tomato paste and coconut milk. Add the potatoes and carrots.

  4. SAUCE: Stir in the stock (or water), tomato paste and coconut milk. Add the potatoes and carrots.

  5. SIMMER: Now with the lid on throughout, first bring to a gentle boil. Then set to a medium/low heat and simmer for 30mins with it clearly bubbling. After 10mins, add the cauliflower. Then, when there’s only
    8-10mins cooking time remaining, add the green beans and the capsicum.

  6. SERVE: Add salt to taste and serve with rice.


  1. Do not heat oil for too long before you add any ingredients (eg spices). Oil needs to be hot but not too hot or even burnt.

  2. If you are using chicken thighs then you are to cook for longer if you wish to thicken the sauce further. Chicken breast will toughen somewhat if you’re now simmering it for 25 minutes or more.


Butter Halloumi


Vegetable Biryani