Listed in 29 stores in 3 states
Cinnamon Road launched 8 of the 11 Indian Curry Spice Kits into retailers at the end of March. We can’t help but be pleased that, as at 8th July 2023, we’re now in 29 outlets in New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland. That said, it’s hard work winning one outlet at a time by approaching independent retailers. We’ll continue to try to get in front of buyers who are responsible for a chain of stores and would of course welcome any proactive approaches from retailers.
What stores is Cinnamon Road in? Well, we’re in green grocers, general grocery stores, gourmet & providore outlets. Last week we also introduced Rogan Josh as a 9th kit available to Butchers only. The kit offers another recipe for Chicken, Beef, Lamb and Lamb shanks, helping us to acheive immediate success with a number of butchers already listing us.
Where are the stores? Look out for the store names in localised Facebook advertising, but we’re in 7 stores in Sutherland shire. You can also find our delicious curry kits in Greenacre, Lakemba, Randwick, Oatley, Mortdale, Carlingford, North Ryde, Lane Cove, Freshwater, Leichhardt, Petersham, St Peters, Bondi, Milperra, Rozelle, Balmain, Beecroft, Oatlands and Redfern.
North Carlton and Toowong are proof that we’ve dipped our toe into Victoria and Queensland, too.
Cinnamon Road is holding it’s own in the Indian foods section of a major retailer.
Stay tuned and we’ll update you at our 50 milestone.